Useful Links
California Department of Insurance (CDI)
The CDI is the agency which has authority over how the insurance industry conducts business within California, and licenses and regulates the rates and practices of insurance companies, agents, and brokers in the state.
California Department of Motor Vehicles
State agency responsible for the registration of motor vehicles and boats and the issuance of driver’s licenses in the U.S. state of California.

National Flood Insurance Program Information
Includes a wealth of information on how to insure homes against flooding. This site is the official web page for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Insurance Information Institute
A non-profit group sponsored by the insurance industry to provide general information about insurance. This is an excellent resource for unbiased informaiton. Order publications at the website.
Highway Loss Data Institute
Information on car theft, collision and injury listed by car make, model and year. Also contains extensive highway safety tips and information.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Excellent information and sobering statistics on automobile safety.
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The links on this page are provided as a source of convenience, and may let you leave our site. Linked sites are not under our control, nor are we responsible for their content or the content of any link contained within a linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of the site.